January 2007

January 2007

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Re-entering the blog world

Greetings all! As you can see, I've been "missing in action" for the past year.  Life became so busy I decided the one thing I could give up was my blog. I've missed it :(  I am going to attempt to get back into blogging.  This time around, I've changed the name of my blog as I will hopefully post about gardening along with other things that interest me.  I may also post some of my writing.  For now, I'll leave you with one of my recent flower pictures. This is my morning glory gone wild. It's growing through my alyssum, which has also gone crazy!


  1. I know the feeling, my blog has taken a back seat, too. But so good to see you again. I wish my morning glories would grow like yours!
